
Thursday, 7 July 2016

Cathedral Trip

It was the first of July and St. Pius X had the opportunity to go to the St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Auckland City. We went there because this year is the year of mercy.  

On a lovely bright sunny morning after morning tea we all gathered just in the front of our school gate and walked down to the bus.

While we were on the bus I wasn't that excited because going in a bus was normal for me but as soon as I stepped foot onto the Cathedral I was so amazed from what I saw.

Not long after we arrived we were practising our hymn, we finished practising and the mass was about to begin. As we entered the door of mercy the Bishop Patrick Dunn had blessed we were seated by the caretaker of the church.

When I was seated I couldn't believe my eyes because the chandelier’s were so beautiful and behind me was the organs and also the baptismal fount. We then sang for communion a hymn/song called (Bread Broken) after we sang we went up to receive communion or to be blessed by Father. When mass had ended we headed off to have lunch.


My Pepeha


Tena Koutou

Ko Mt Wellington te maunga

Ko Tamaki te awa

Ko Ruapotaka te Marae

Ko Hato Paea te kura

Ko Fonuamotu taku ingoa


                                                   whakawhetai koe