Winter Learning Journey
Day 1: 100% Pure New Zealand
Activity 2: Your tour of New Zealand is going to start right here in Auckland. Watch the Tourist video for Auckland to learn about the awesome things that you can see and do in the city. Once you’ve finished, choose your favourite five activities from the video and list them on your blog.

My 5 Favourite Activities: Auckland - City video:
1. My first destination would be visiting the Rainforest of the Waitakere Ranges.
Reason: Having to experience that would be astonishing. exploring the rainforest and seeing all kinds of different species of animals. And seeing animals I wouldn’t be able to see back in my home area would just be brilliant.
2. My second destination would most likely be the Piha Beach.
Reason: I’ve only been to Piha Beach once and it was significant. Just walking, with the sun in my face and feeling the sand on your feet and the fresh breeze flowing past, Who would say no to that?.
3. My third destination would have to be The Auckland War Memorial Museum.
Reason: Visiting a Museum is something I have never done but wanted to do. Visiting Auckland War Memorial Museum is like a dream come true, one to have fun and two to learn more about the place which I call home. (New Zealand) - (Aotearoa)
4. My fourth destination would happen to be Base Jumping off the New Zealand Sky Tower
Reason: Base jumping off the New Zealand Sky Tower isn’t an opportunity everyone may get but me telling my friend I did it would be unbelievable. Ever since I was young I have been afraid of heights, plummeting down the rainbow’s End Fear Fall is a height I can handle but looking down from the sky tower and even worst Base Jump off is something I’ll have to overcome.
5. My last destination would be to stop by The Auckland Park Domain.
Reason: The Auckland Park Domain is the place to go, be free and escape all stress. Or Though I have only been their once that’s an experience I’ll love to have again.